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 Announcements & Events 


 ASL Club Meetings

Join our fun and interactive ASL Club! Come to room 702 every Wednesday for fun, games, and amazing oppurtunities! All signers and non signers of any level are welcome, so bring a friend!



17 August, 2015

School Resumes!

That's right! On Monday, August 17th, classes here a Mission Vista are back in session. Get excited, and dont forget to attend our years first club meeting(date t.b.a soon). 


Cant remember a sign? Need tips or assistance? Looking to contact Mrs.Gonet or cluib leaders? Well look no further! Click below to get quick links to all the resources you have been looking for!

ASL Honors Society

At the moment, we are working on adding an ASl Honors society to the list of things the ASL department offers. While we dont have it available for this school year, feel free to click the link below to learn more about what the ASL Honors society is and how it could benifit you!

The Course

American Sign Languge is a vibrant, visual language used by Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and many other indiiduals in the United States. Come enroll in this fun, interactive, and stimulating course for a language immersion unlike any other!

Why ASL?

Thinking about taking ASL as a language here at Mission Vista? Well dont keep pushing it off, come join our community! Not only will you be adding a highly valued language to your list of accomplishments, there are many skills, values, and iincredibly friends you will earn while you are apart of this course.


Looking to improve, practice, and keep up your ASL skills? Then joinging our new ASL club may just be the best thing to do! Come join us for  fun games, activities, and events that are sure to improve your signing.


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